Japan Budō International Federation – 日本武道国際連盟 ®
New age of All Japan Budo Association as JAPAN BUDO INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION
Japan Budō International Federation – 日本武道国際連盟 ®
is the legal successor of All Japan Budō Association – 全日本武道協会 NP
JBIF is an international federation of all Japanese budo arts established to facilitate the needs of international Budoka looking for a voluntary, non-governmental, non-political and non-profit organization with the goals of
continuing their education and training independently through Japan.
The Administrative office is located in Serbia (due to the location of the Acting President) with the Hombu dojo in Japan where is located JBIF President.
As an international certification headquarters for the Japanese martial arts, JBIF recommends meritorious, qualified and accredited individuals for lateral grade or promotion bygranting grades, awards and titles through validated testing, training and evaluation.
All certificates come from Japan.
A rich history of AJBA – JBIF
Our first organization (All Japan Budo Association) had a
remarkable history and outstanding achievements.
Japan Budo International Federation represents a
new chapter in our work.
The accent in our work is placed on the
international level.
Our plan is to become TAFISA and SPORT ACCORD
members and to represent traditional
Japanese martial arts in these bodies.
International connectivity
Protection of Japanese Budo heritage and promotion through international association of organizations dealing with Japanese martial arts and Japanese culture.
Quality certification
We are trying to show respect to all our members and masters. All our masters have opportunity to be licensed and certified by our Shuseki Shihankai based in Japan.
Protection of Samurai martial heritage
JBIF will do the best in professional work to protect and share the Japanese culture and Samurai tradition.
Old way on modern approach is our goal
Japanese traditional martial arts
JBIF brings together all traditional Japanese martial arts that do not have representatives in international institutions.
JBIF Headquarters Staff
JBIF has its own special organizational structure. As an international organization, JBIF has people from different countries in leading positions.
Prof. Hideharu Ishii
Prof. Matsufune Asami
CEO- 最高経営責任者
Prof. Dr Mladen Burazerovic
Honorary Vice-Presidents – 名誉副会長
Prof. Dr Brett Mayfield DaiShihan
Mr. Dirk Klok DaiShihan
Mr. Kenichi Saito DaiShihan
Kamon with TRADITION
The JBIF logo is a stylized family crest of the Ishii family superimposed on the Japanese sun, symbolizing the 4 crossed trunks of a tree in terms of foundation and unity.
JBIF hereby pays respect to its first president, Mr. Ishii Sensei, and takes upon itself the tradition of this famous Budo family from Okayama, Japan.
The family coat of arms of the Ishii family, which received a special medal from the Emperor of Japan
As respect to Ishii Sensei as the first JBIF President, JBIF will use stylized family crest of the Ishii family superimposed on the Japanese sun.
We will follow the old ways of the samurai, giving the new budokas an example and model of how to respect the historical heritage in life, but also to build new ideas and ways on the foundations of the old ones.

On the foundations of AJBA, JBIF has been born
All Japan Budo Association (AJBA) was created in 2016. and 2024. after 8 years, has been reorganized into Japan Budo International Federation.
They said about us
Opinions of our leaders and friends
The most important thing for our AJBA is to foster cooperation and friedships to the whole world.
Because of that, it’s the most important to keep learning regularly while interucting with true martial artists in the surrounding area and in the SNS (Social Networking Service) beyond the martial arts you have studied.
And, I hope we can achieve a world of peace and mutual acceptance.

Prof. Hideharu Ishii
After many years of training in Japanese Budo it is an honor to support this great association. It’s high standards and it’s development of promoting quality in Japanese Budo, cultural heritage and friendship around the world is outstanding.
It’s great leadership around the world and Japan is exceptional.
Prof. dr Brett Mayfield DaiShihan
AJBA Honorary Vice-President

Prof. Dr Brett Mayfield
I have the pleasure and honor of being part of JBIF. In addition to Prof. Mladen, Prof. Ishii and Prof. Brett and all the masters of the group.
The pleasure of collaborating and exchanging martial technical knowledge is priceless. We will continue to carry forward the Martial work undertaken together.

Prof. Dr Giampaolo Antonini
President of Japan Budo Italian Federation