what is required for JBIF to recognize your MARTIAL ART stylE?

As an international organization whose goal is the preservation and promotion of traditional Japanese budo arts, JBIF tries to recognize new styles that are conceived and based on the foundations of traditional budo styles and schools.

Who can establish a new style of Budo?

Yudansha holders with many years of experience in multiple martial arts and with high ranks in at least 3 martial arts (minimum 5.DAN degree in all 3 arts). Also, the minimum age of practicing martial arts is 25. Yudansha holder should have minimum RENSHI or SHIHAN title given by respected Japanese Budo organization.

Recommendations of high-ranking masters who have a good reputation are also taken into account.

What martial arts does JBIF recognize?

All new martial arts that wish to be recognized by the JBIF organization must adhere to traditional codes of conduct and etiquette.

JBIF does not recognize styles that are modern and pro-Western. Exclusive styles based on tradition and styles that respect the tradition of old Japanese styles.

Register book of new registered martial arts styles.

JBIF, through its AJBA Academy company, registered for the domain of education and training in the field of sports and recreation where martial arts belong (and also through partnerships with various universities with which AJBA Academy and JBIF have signed contracts), legally registers new styles of Budo.
A book of registered styles is kept in Japan and the JBIF archive.


Kamagata Ryu Kenjutsu 釡形 流剣術

FOUNDER: George Alexander Shihan – USA


Ryuhoryu Bujutsu 龍鳳流武術

FOUNDER: Scot Mertz Shihan – USA


Mukei No Ryu 無形の流

FOUNDER: José Andrade Shihan – USA


Tenyo Ryu 天陽流

FOUNDER: Lara Chamberlain Shihan – USA


Daishin Ishii Ryu Aikibudo 大心石井流合気武道

FOUNDER: Prof. Dr Mladen Burazerovic Shihan and Hideharu Ishii SoShihan – SERBIA/JAPAN


Kōsendo 光線道

FOUNDER: Michele Giaconi Shihan – ITALY


WakaiRyu Aikijutsu 和海流合気術

FOUNDER: Cornelis Hendrik Johannes DE JONGH – NETHERLANDS


Midori Kazoku Bushi Jujutsu 緑家族武士柔術

FOUNDER: Rick Greene – USA


Shinbukai Karatedo-Kobudo 真武会空手道-古武道

FOUNDER: Kenichi Saito DaiShihan – JAPAN
